Founder’s Message
Years ago since I got to know John C.Maxwell and undergone his mentorship and certification program, John gave the best definition of leadership I’ve ever known. He simply said, “Leadership is influence.” I have embraced that definition and practiced and taught it to thousands and thousand leaders over the years.
As a follower of Christ, I recognise that I am called to influence others. Jesus said it this way: “You are the salt of the earth… You are the light of the world… Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven” (Mt 5:13-16).

The truth is that few people are natural when it comes to leading others. But everyone has potential. I believe you can become a better leader, regardless of your age, gender, marital status, or profession.
Sociologists say that even introverted people will influence an average of 10,000 people in their lifetime. Just think about that! Someone who’s not even trying to lead others will impact many. Just think about what one person can do if he or she is intentional about leading- What kind of impact potential and fire has put inside of you?
I want you to see yourself as a leader. No matter how strong or weak your leadership is- I want you to improve and reach your leadership potential, not only for your own success, but also make an impact in others
I look forward to having this journey together with you!
Your Friend,
Elaine Zhou